
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

30 Week Update

Well I made it to the thirties...and I'm not talking about my age (been there for a couple of years now).  Yay!  Today is 30 weeks gestation.  I feel somewhat relieved to get out of the 20s and into the 30s...the finish line is in sight (although still 7 weeks away..hopefully).  I'm feeling okay these days.  The babies are doing great which is all that matters to me. 
I on the other hand feel gigantic, sore, and exhausted.  Monday night I took a pretty nasty fall after I got home from work.  I was in the little hallway leading from the garage and the kitchen and Jocelyn was getting out of the van, but she pushed the close button on the door before she was all the way out and it started to close on panic mode sets in when I see her crying and (what I thought at the time) about to be smooshed so I rush forward and my feet slip out from under me.  I scraped up my knees and elbows pretty good but that was nothing compared to the pain in my pelvic bone when I tried to take a step.  Jocelyn was fine, the van door censor kicked in and opened back up before she was hurt.  My sister was at my house 5 minutes later to help out for the evening since John was working that night.  I spent the entire night on the couch and avoided walking altogether (except for bathroom trips of course).  I even slept there because I couldn't get in my bed.  I did not have any bleeding or cramping and could feel the babies moving a lot, so I knew they were fine.  I felt much better yesterday and could tolerate walking, and then even better today.  Scared me a bit, but I'm doing okay.  I see my doctor tomorrow so I'll get thoroughly checked out.
My family and friends threw me an awesome baby shower this past Saturday.  It was a Mary Poppins themed shower and turned out really nice.  The weather didn't quite cooperate like I had hoped since part of the shower was outside under tents, but it didn't down pour either (just drizzly) so it was all good.  The food was great and the company was wonderful.  I'll do a post with pictures of the shower and the decor soon.  Now I need to do the Thank You cards for all the great gifts I received.
I have a long to-do list of things to complete before the babies come.  Most of them are small things but still need to get done.  I get lots of help from my mom and sisters and John has been great, so I'm confident it will all get done...with their help of course.

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