
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

30 Week Update

Well I made it to the thirties...and I'm not talking about my age (been there for a couple of years now).  Yay!  Today is 30 weeks gestation.  I feel somewhat relieved to get out of the 20s and into the 30s...the finish line is in sight (although still 7 weeks away..hopefully).  I'm feeling okay these days.  The babies are doing great which is all that matters to me. 
I on the other hand feel gigantic, sore, and exhausted.  Monday night I took a pretty nasty fall after I got home from work.  I was in the little hallway leading from the garage and the kitchen and Jocelyn was getting out of the van, but she pushed the close button on the door before she was all the way out and it started to close on panic mode sets in when I see her crying and (what I thought at the time) about to be smooshed so I rush forward and my feet slip out from under me.  I scraped up my knees and elbows pretty good but that was nothing compared to the pain in my pelvic bone when I tried to take a step.  Jocelyn was fine, the van door censor kicked in and opened back up before she was hurt.  My sister was at my house 5 minutes later to help out for the evening since John was working that night.  I spent the entire night on the couch and avoided walking altogether (except for bathroom trips of course).  I even slept there because I couldn't get in my bed.  I did not have any bleeding or cramping and could feel the babies moving a lot, so I knew they were fine.  I felt much better yesterday and could tolerate walking, and then even better today.  Scared me a bit, but I'm doing okay.  I see my doctor tomorrow so I'll get thoroughly checked out.
My family and friends threw me an awesome baby shower this past Saturday.  It was a Mary Poppins themed shower and turned out really nice.  The weather didn't quite cooperate like I had hoped since part of the shower was outside under tents, but it didn't down pour either (just drizzly) so it was all good.  The food was great and the company was wonderful.  I'll do a post with pictures of the shower and the decor soon.  Now I need to do the Thank You cards for all the great gifts I received.
I have a long to-do list of things to complete before the babies come.  Most of them are small things but still need to get done.  I get lots of help from my mom and sisters and John has been great, so I'm confident it will all get done...with their help of course.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

29 Week Update

Today marks 29 weeks!  Yay, almost to the 30's and only 8 weeks away from getting to meet these two precious babies.  I'm getting excited and nervous.  There is so much left to do but I'm pretty limited with what I can do activity level-wise, so some things just won't get done and that's okay.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday with my perinatologist.  Of course my appointment was for 3:40pm and I didn't even see the doctor until 5:20pm...the exact reason why I don't like afternoon appointments.  Anyways, the appointment went fine.  The babies are looking good and growing.  One is a little over 3 lbs and the other is 2 lbs 9 oz (I can't remember which one she said was which size).  Either way, they are doing good and she is not worried about the size difference bettwen the two since one is 12% below average and the other is 12% above average and not necessarily an indication that the smaller one is out of normal range.  The cervix is doing okay.  A little shorter this time and something we have to keep an eye on.  This week, I started working from home a couple days a week to help keep my activity level down at the recommendation of my doctor. I'm hoping that it will help keep the cervix from shortening too much too quickly (which is what we want to avoid) and hopefully that will also help me avoid full on bedrest. 
John and I attended the Marvelous Multiples class this past Saturday and it was more of a refresher on labor and delivery in general than anything really specific for multiples. They did talk about how multiples are more likely to require a c-section (which we saw a video of) but vaginal is still possible (which we also saw a video of).  It was interesting but not sure it was worth spending an entire Saturday doing.  We did get to go to Costco afterwards and stocked up on baby wipes (there was a coupon for wipes and we really like the Costco brand).
I've been getting the nursery all finished up and ready for babies and I'm getting close.  I do like to look at sample nurseries on Pinterest or design blogs.  What confuses me the most is all of these nursery set ups utilize crib bumpers that pediatricians and other experts have deemed unsafe.  Yes, they are pretty, but they can pose a danger.  Even though the chances are small, I can't see myself using one just because they're cute at the risk that I could be that 1% that something happens to. 
Fingers are crossed that the next few weeks are smooth and we make it to 37 weeks with no complications. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

28 Week Update

This week (Wednesday, 3/13) I hit the 28 week mark in my pregnancy.  I just got back from my OB/GYN and everything looks good.  No ultrasound today though, I'll get that on Tuesday (3/19) when I go see my perinatologist.  I'll know more at that appointment about the funneling and how my cervix is doing.  Hoping there haven't been any changes (unless they are good).  I'm still working full time, but my doctor did say she'd like me to cut back on my hours in the office and work a little bit from home.  The babies are doing great and getting big.  As of 3/5, Liam is weighing 2 lbs 4 oz and Lizzie is 2 lbs 3 oz.  I'm anxious to see how much bigger they are at my next appointment on Tuesday.
Overall, I'm feeling okay.  Sleeping is uncomfortable.  I sleep on my side and when that hip starts to hurt, it'll wake me up and I'll have to roll over to the other side.  Heartburn is not bothering me at night, for the most part, which I'm thankful for.  I spend lots of time laying around and trying to keep the activity at a minimum.  There is so much I'd like to do in the nursery to get it all finished, but I know that I have to wait for some help before I can get in there and do anything.  I still need to pack a hospital bag for me and for the babies.  This Saturday, John and I are taking the Marvelous Multiples class at Woman's Hospital and then the next weekend is my baby shower. 
Wow, time is really going by fast.  Part of me wants the pregnancy to be over and the babies to be here just so I stop worrying about every little stomach cringe or body ache, but I love feeling them move and kick me and this is (probably) my last pregnancy so I know I won't get to experience again.  I would like to work out again, but it will be a while before I can get back into my regular gym routine.  
Love these babies so much already and I constantly imagine what they're going to look like and what kind of personalities they're going to have.  I know Jocelyn is excited to be a big sister.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

27 Weeks - Update

Today I am 27 weeks pregnant!  Taking it day by day and certainly do not want these little ones to come out for another 10 weeks.  At this point I feel like I can kind-of start doing a count down.  Yesterday I had an appointment with my perinatologist and it wasn't the best appointment and I got some rather disappointing news.  Looks like my cervix has shortened a bit more, but more concerning is the fact that it is now funneling with movements that cause pressure to the cervix.  She basically told me that any squatting down, bending, getting up and down out of a chair/bed to often or difficult bowel movements could cause the funneling to get worse.  I learned that funneling is like dialating from the inside and I could be at risk for ruptured membranes that can put me into pre-term labor.  Naturally I'm totally freaked out now!  I already feel like I do absolutely nothing, but it might be time to have to cut back on work hours (even though all I do at work is sit at a desk) since the less time I have to spend getting in and out of a car and driving places is good to.  This has been a tough week since John has been out of town and won't be back until Friday for work and so my Mom has been a life saver and I've officially run her ragged.  Especially, after my incident yesterday where I locked my keys in the car and she had to get Jocelyn and then go to my house to get my spare key and bring it to the office.  Yuck.  Not fun.  With my last car, I couldn't not lock my key in the car because it was one of those keyless things where the car would not lock at all if the key was still inside and the car was off.  I learned my lesson...thanks pregnancy brain.
I did get some good news from my OB/GYN yesterday afternoon.  My lab results came back and I do not have gestational diabetes (I passed the 1 hour test and so I don't even have to go back for the 3 or 4 hour test).  Yay!  That is good.  She did say that I was slightly anemic, so I have to take more iron supplements.
From here on out I'll have a doctor appointment once a week, alternating between my OB/GYN and the perinatologist.  The ultimate mission is to keep these babies healthy, strong and growing until 37 weeks. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

26 Week Update

On Wednesday (2/27), I hit the 26 week mark in my pregnancy.  When people ask how I'm doing I like to give a 2-part answer:  (1) the babies are doing great and (2) I'm hanging in there.   This past week or so, I've had a lot of pressure and pain while standing or I try not to do too much of either.  I spend most of my time sitting at my desk at work or sitting on my couch at home.  John and my mom have been big helps taking care of me and Jocelyn while I lay around the house trying to keep my activity to a minimum.  Hey, those were the doctor's orders.  A simple trip to the grocery store seems to take a toll on my body and takes all the energy I, who sends a hungry pregnant woman to the store?  You're just asking for strange things to show up in the fridge or pantry.
I went to the doctor today and everything looks good.  The babies are very active and growing like they're supposed to.  There are no signs of impending labor which makes me feel better it's still way to early for these little ones to enter this world.
I think even the dog is getting in on getting me used to waking up in the middle of the night to attend to babies.  Last night he woke me up at 3:30am after he had thrown up and needed to go outside to eat some grass.  Of course John is at work....this stuff only happens when John is at work. So there I am tending to a dog with an upset stomach and cleaning up 2 disgusting piles of dog vomit.  Lucky me.  Thanks Jake!
That's the update.  Things are good.  I go to my perinatologist on Tuesday, March 5th for another ultrasound.  I look forward to those the most because I get to see the kiddos and see how big they're getting.  Plus, she doesn't make me stand on a scale!  Hope I get some more pictures.   I tell the babies all the time that they have to stay in there for much longer and have to grow big and strong before they can come out.  So far, they're very good at listening to Mom.