
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

29 Week Update

Today marks 29 weeks!  Yay, almost to the 30's and only 8 weeks away from getting to meet these two precious babies.  I'm getting excited and nervous.  There is so much left to do but I'm pretty limited with what I can do activity level-wise, so some things just won't get done and that's okay.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday with my perinatologist.  Of course my appointment was for 3:40pm and I didn't even see the doctor until 5:20pm...the exact reason why I don't like afternoon appointments.  Anyways, the appointment went fine.  The babies are looking good and growing.  One is a little over 3 lbs and the other is 2 lbs 9 oz (I can't remember which one she said was which size).  Either way, they are doing good and she is not worried about the size difference bettwen the two since one is 12% below average and the other is 12% above average and not necessarily an indication that the smaller one is out of normal range.  The cervix is doing okay.  A little shorter this time and something we have to keep an eye on.  This week, I started working from home a couple days a week to help keep my activity level down at the recommendation of my doctor. I'm hoping that it will help keep the cervix from shortening too much too quickly (which is what we want to avoid) and hopefully that will also help me avoid full on bedrest. 
John and I attended the Marvelous Multiples class this past Saturday and it was more of a refresher on labor and delivery in general than anything really specific for multiples. They did talk about how multiples are more likely to require a c-section (which we saw a video of) but vaginal is still possible (which we also saw a video of).  It was interesting but not sure it was worth spending an entire Saturday doing.  We did get to go to Costco afterwards and stocked up on baby wipes (there was a coupon for wipes and we really like the Costco brand).
I've been getting the nursery all finished up and ready for babies and I'm getting close.  I do like to look at sample nurseries on Pinterest or design blogs.  What confuses me the most is all of these nursery set ups utilize crib bumpers that pediatricians and other experts have deemed unsafe.  Yes, they are pretty, but they can pose a danger.  Even though the chances are small, I can't see myself using one just because they're cute at the risk that I could be that 1% that something happens to. 
Fingers are crossed that the next few weeks are smooth and we make it to 37 weeks with no complications. 

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