
Monday, April 22, 2013

33 Week Update

I'm a little late in posting this update since I was 33 weeks last Wednesday...but, better late than never.  I went to see my perinatologist on Friday and had an ultrasound done.  The whole appointment was very rushed because the doctor had been called in for a surgery and they actually cut appointments off with me being the last she'd see until after the surgery.  The nurses were telling other patients in the waiting room that they'd have to come back later and I kept expecting them to tell me the same thing but thank goodness I was able to get in because I did not want to have to come back.  They probably felt bad considering how visibly obvious it is that I'm uncomfortable and it's not easy getting around.
Anyways, the ultrasound showed both babies doing great and gaining weight.  Each were just under 5 lbs.  Liam is still in the same position as last time, head down, closes to the exit.  Lizzie has turned but not so she'd be head down.  No, Lizzie wants to be transverse, back down and head facing up towards my rib cage.  Dr. Adam said that this is the worst position a baby can be in to even try a vaginal delivery.  So, unless Lizzie decides she wants to turn head down between now and go time, looks like I'll be having a C-section.  That's okay though, I've kind of been expecting that.  I think we're looking at another 2 to 3 weeks before these babies decide to make their debut. 
I'm doing alright.  I sit in the recliner most of the time and don't get out much.  I'm still working a few days a week from the office and it's been okay.  Sleeping is difficult.  I get up every few hours to use the restroom and have to turn over quite often because my hip will start to hurt.  I've come to peace with the fact that a full nights sleep is very far in the future for me.
I am so excited for these babies to arrive and can't believe it's only a few weeks away. I'll be 34 weeks in just a couple of days and will give another update after my next doctor's appointment on Friday.

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