
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

31 Week Update

Today I am 31 weeks pregnant!  So glad to be at this point and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.  As with any pregnancy, you never know when delivery will happen and this rings especially true with twins.  I'm measuring full term for a single baby already and its at this point where a woman's body might think it's time to go even though two babies have not really reached full term.  I had an appointment yesterday with my perinatologist (9:20 appointment and I didn't even see the doctor until 10:40...a whole topic in and of itself).  The appointment went well.  The babies are growing perfectly, Lizzie is about 3 lbs 13 oz and Liam is about 3 lbs 15 oz.  Liam is vertex (head down), closest to the exit, but Lizzie is breech and it's unknown whether she'll be able to turn or not...there's not much room in there anymore.  We were able to get a picture of Lizzie
But Liam was facing my back, so no sneak peak at his sweet face.
The cervix is holding strong and looks good at this point. 
I'm taking it very easy and spend most of my time lying or sitting down.  I borrowed a recliner from my Mom and spend lots of time in that chair...very comfortable.  I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then, but not regularly enough to be actual contractions.  There are still a ton of things to do at the house to get ready for Lizzie and Liam's arrival, but we'll get there.  Fingers are crossed that we have another 5 or 6 weeks until they decide to make their arrival.

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