
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day Camping Trip

For Father's Day this year, John wanted to go on a camping trip to a state park.  Turns out that the weekend of Father's Day was a long weekend for me (Friday, Monday and Tuesday off) so I figured we could go camping Friday to Sunday and I'd have Monday and Tuesday to recover and catch up on sleep.  We left Friday at around 10am and drove the 4 and 1/2 hours to Martin Creek Lake State Park.  We would have left earlier but we spent half and hour looking for Jocelyn's movies (we keep them in this CD case) and long car rides with her are much more enjoyable when she is distracted by the Lion King.  We asked her where she put it (we saw her with the case while we were getting all of our stuff together) and she said something about the Tot Cot.  How could it be in the Tot Cot, that was tied up and there is no way she could get it in there?  We finally gave up and grabbed a couple of other movies that we had on the shelf and took off.  Sure enough when we were unpacking, I took the Tot Cot out of it's little sleeve and there were her movies.  She told us exactly where they were.  What a sneaky little girl.

The weather wasn't too bad for us since it stayed over cast most of the time and only rained a bit over Friday night.  Jocelyn did well with taking a shower (her first shower instead of her usual bath) and slept pretty good.  I on the other hand did not sleep all that well, but air mattresses are never that comfortable.   We tried to go for a walk on Saturday morning, but Jocelyn just fussed the whole time and we had to carry her most of the way.  She spent most of the time saying "I have something in my shoe."  We also went swimming in the lake, and of course she enjoyed that.

John made a wonderful dinner for Saturday night.  He prepared it before we left and wrapped it in tin foil, and then Saturday night put the wrapped tin foil packets onto the hot coals and let it cook.  We had potatos, carrots and grilled chicken.  It was really good. 

The only downside was I got stung on the neck by a wasp just before dinner on Saturday.  Ouch.  Good thing I'm not allergic. 

We left early on Sunday morning (around 7:30am) to head back to Houston so that we could be at my Dad's house by noon for lunch.  I had been up since 6:15am, so it was no problem getting out of the park in time.  Jocelyn was really worn out and feel asleep after about 2 1/2 hours of driving.

We had a really nice lunch at my Dad's house and Jocelyn got to spend some quality time with Grandpa.  Jennifer, Thaden and Owen also were there and the kids played really well together.

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