
Monday, June 4, 2012

Comedy Sportz

Before Jocelyn was born, I took a couple of improv classes at Comedy Sportz Houston and continued with a few of my group members with informal practices for a few months after that.  Once Jocelyn was born, I fell off the improv wagon.  This past January, Comedy Sportz introduced a Rec League for people who have taken the 101 and 201 improv classes and what a perfect time to get back into the groove of improv-ing.  I love having an outlet to be a little silly!

What a great group of people we have in the Rec League and it has been so much fun.  We meet every Sunday night to practice and then the last Sunday of the month we put on a show for our friends and family (and anyone else who wants to come see).  Last night's show was awesome and so much fun.  Many thanks to all my peeps who came out to root for me (or point and laugh...either way).   Jocelyn had a blast.  During one of our gimick games, I could hear her say "Mama so silly" and her laugh was just contagious throughout the audience.

Here is a picture after last night's show.  The girls won and that's why we're all smiling...looks like a couple of the boys weren't too happy.

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