
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Time for Thanks...Ready for the Holidays

We had a very nice Thanksgiving this year with the family this year.  On Thursday, we celebrated Owen's birthday with lunch at Mom's house and we waited to celebrate Thanksgiving until Friday since Melanie was coming in that morning.  Jocelyn was her adorable self as usual.  Grandma Pam brought her a Barbie RV that she found at a Second Blessings shop and Jocelyn is in love with that thing.  What a deal too! 
Despite the recent loss of my Aunt Katherine, there was still lots to be thankful for this year...because John and I are expecting...TWINS!  Yikes.  We are very excited and so is Jocelyn. I'm only 13 weeks along but showing like I'm 5 months already.  I didn't hesitate to bust out the maternity pants and I've been wearing them for a month now, they are so comfy!  The nausea has been pretty bad, but it will all be worth it come June (maybe sooner) when we hold our two new bundles of joy!  Since this is a multiples pregnancy, my OB/GYN is having me also see a specialist to make sure it all goes smoothly, which means that I'll have twice the doctor appointments but also twice the ultrasounds and I love seeing pictures of the precious babies.

As usual, we put up the Christmas decorations right after we put away the stuffing and the pie.  Christmas is my all time favorite holiday and I love decorating.  I start listening to Christmas music in the car and I think it even helps me deal with the frustrations of traffic! This year Jocelyn got her own Christmas tree to put in her room with her own ornaments...mostly from Ya Ya...and of course she wanted her tree to be pink, her favorite color. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy...TWINS!! So awesome! I will be following for updates!!
