
Monday, December 17, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I know I haven't mentioned my pregnancy much on this blog, so I figured I'd give a quick update in case anyone was interested. 
I'm just about 16 weeks along with fraternal twins.  Each are in their own sac and have their own placenta, which is a really good thing and makes this pregnancy less risky than other twins that share a placenta.  I do have marginal placenta previa with Baby A (the one closest to the cervix), but, just like with Jocelyn, it will likely resolve itself as I get bigger and bigger and bigger.  I already feel huge, but I'm trying not to be too concerned with the numbers just as long as the babies are healthy and develop like they're supposed to.  I can lose the weight once they're here.  I had a lot to lose after Jocelyn but I was able to do that (it took quite a while though).
In the beginning I had really bad nausea and took some medication to help with that and over the past few weeks it has gotten better but not completely gone.  I have my good days and have my bad days.  I try to rest and relax as much as possible.  I would really like to start feeling the babies move more since I always felt reassured with Jocelyn when I could feel her wiggling around.
My next appointment is this Friday, the 21st and I can't wait to see my babies again and hear their heartbeats.   From then on, I'll have a doctor's appointment every 2 weeks, alternating between my regular OB/GYN and my multiples specialist, which I'm sure will change to once a week as I get closer to the due date.  I'll try to get a decent ultrasound picture that I can scan in and share. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow 16 weeks already!! That's awesome and great to hear the babies and you are doing well!
